Friday, September 7, 2012

Scottish Sunset -- The Secret Place

Scottish Sunset 01 Take 4

Fortune favours the prepared.

It is very unusual for me not to have exposure information for a large format shot of mine. I have a special note page on my iPod Touch that I use expressly for taking these notes. However, sometimes nature just doesn't give you much time. If you are not prepared you will miss out.

So what does it mean to be prepared as a large format film shooter? Well, I'm glad you asked.

It means that you already took care of the basics necessary to carry and use a camera as a system:

You obtained a portable case that will hold the camera, lenses, film holders, light meter and accessories that you will need with you and you organised that case. It means that you have batteries in anything like meters or flashes that might need it and spares as well. It also means that anything that needs setting up like infinity stops have been preset beforehand.

It means that the last time you went shooting you unloaded all the film holders that you used and you recorded what type of film you loaded in each holder. It means that you labelled the holders prominently so that you know what you are loading when you shoot. It means that you always turn the dark slide around from silver to black after you shoot a frame so that you know the film inside has been used and it means that you always look to see that the dark slide is set to silver before you load a holder in the camera to shoot.

Being prepared means you know which directions are East, South, North and West. It means you know when the sun is setting and rising and the moon as well. You know what phase the moon is in. If you notice awesome light when out and about, you note that time on your watch so you know roughly when the light will be nice the next day.

Being prepared means having one eye on the weather forecast and another on an astronomical calendar. It means your tripod is with you and your cable release too. It means you have a plan for what to do with your gear if it suddenly starts to rain.

Being prepared means having read up and practiced until blindly comfortable any technique that you may be thinking of using. It means taking pictures when you are not sure what the result will be. It means listening to your inner voice that says, "Wow!"

Being prepared means revisiting your successes and failures and analysing them for future lessons. It means taking one shot and living with the consequences. The awesome shot is seldom in the middle of a six shot burst or a 5 exposure bracket sequence. If you never shoot at the wrong exposure you will never learn anything. But remember what you learn and apply it where it counts.

Being prepared means saying your prayers. Because as hard as you may work at it. Any awesome moment that comes that you manage to capture. Just like the rest of your life. Is only grace.